Got Conflict?
Send your inquiry here for Coaching, Consulting and Mediation services.
Our team will respond within 1-2 business days.
“Conflict is like a dangerous neighborhood, don’t walk it alone.”
How We Can Help
Heart 2 High Performance is a mentoring and mediating company for those wanting swift and accelerated change in their life and relationships.
We help individuals, couples, families and groups resolve conflicts internal conflicts in their minds and communication for greater performance and more peaceful and fulfilling outcomes for all.
Each one of us has human potential to unfold and are seeking balance in order to thrive. In cases of misunderstanding, grievance, conflict and resentment so often we are needing to bring Heart 2 High Performance.
Nina’s style is creative, powerful and outside the box. She will help you get results unparallel to the other methods out there, she helps you to find whatever it takes to affect a positive change for all parties involved.
Inquire whether a personalized retreat, intensive, family intervention or coaching training program is right for you.
Thriving Clients
— Kylie, Australia 🇦🇺
Nina is truly an amazing person and I’m so grateful to have her in my life. She has been helping me for the past few years and her work has been so valuable and paramount in helping me to change perspectives, grow in my relationships both business and personal and to see the new opportunities that I didn’t even know were there. Every time I Finnish meeting with her I fee so energized, inspired and confident. I’m beyond happy that she is doing this work, not only for myself but for others as well!
— Melissa J
Celebrity Executive Management
I attended one of Nina’s wonderful (Byron Katie) workshops and received an unanticipated gift: a reconnection with my brother who has always seemed very distant and removed from me. In less than 15 minutes of doing the work with Nina , I discovered that the only barrier to a deeper connection with my brother was the story I had created in my mind about him. As soon as I changed my story I was able to reach out to my brother who seemed genuinely grateful and excited, and it has sparked the beginning of a new, unbounded relationship with him. Thank you, Nina!
— Christiana
Nina holds beautiful space for deep transformation and she makes it fun, and inspiring. Her uplifting spirit and deep commitment to support growth and transformation in clients is evident. I felt very supported and noticed lasting shifts within myself following my work with her.
— Randi B
You were amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts. I have received great feedback from so many attendees last night. They love what you shared and they loved you. I ditto their sentiments.
— Marla Brucker, DCH, R.HA,
Director, Motivational Institute of Hypnotherapy
Nina helped me have a breakthrough in record time! When I was stuck and felt the heaviness of a situation, Nina used her intuition and life-changing questions to help lift the weight and clear the path to my dreams. So thankful for her coaching. She uses emotion, humor, space and powerful questions to create breakthroughs. Unlike other coaches who tell you what to do, Nina gave me the power to use my creativity and inner-knowing. She believed in me enough to know I had the powerful answers. All I needed to do was trust myself. Thank you Nina for helping me fly !
— Vishnu
Since I began working with Nina, my entire being has shifted. In the words of one of my best friends, “I’ve never seen you more relaxed and talkative. You were always so serious and quiet.”
I am truly a new person since working with her.
I’ve been struggling for years to understand my larger purpose in life, what I’m all about and the direction I need to go.
Nina has helped me realize that I’m exactly where I need to be now in this moment. I am perfect as I am. What this allows me to do is to open my eyes to new worlds of possibility that I could not even imagine.
Whatever Nina’s presence touches increases life. She is the artist of being alive and helping others to be alive. Working with Nina will transform your life into something extraordinary.
—David Glover
28x IRONMAN Triathlon Finisher
Liked the fact that I could relate to a pro and that there is a true feeling of care from the pro
— Rachael N
It’s difficult to describe Nina with words, because she’s more of a feeling…she’s an embrace, she’s a care taker. She lifts you up, but begins her healing magic, she takes the time to really LISTEN. She hears intently to what you have to share with her, and not just through what your lips are telling her, but she also listens to what your body and tone of voice SHOWS her, your discomfort, your fears, your personal obstacles. She looks through you and works with you, walking along next to you every step of the way! She’s not just any healer, she’s the BEST healer out there!!! You can’t start your journey with anyone else but Nina Mercié!
— Ellie R
Coaching Client
— Darren
Director of Sales
— Ellie
Real Estate
My biggest transformation occured in a one-on-one coaching intensive with Nina. I couldn’t believe the insights I was suddenly able to understand. It was like my whole life history was revealed and it all made sense why I was falling into such destructive patterns. I didn’t take lead as a man and I wasn’t valuing myself, so my relationship life was suffering. Now things are very different, including the way women respond to me. I can’t even describe what she does, it’s been a complete 180. If you want change fast, you have to work with her!
Mortgage Loan Officer
Dating Coaching Client
Nina is a miracle worker! She has taken me from the darkest times to the most joyful times inn my heart and. Inn my professional life. Last year I doubled my income with her sage advice and wisdom. Nina has the heart of a saint that showers you with every word she says. I feel like she is my biggest fan always rooting for me to succeed and be well.
—Corinn L
Coaching Client
Nina Mercié is a great support coach with the right tools to help you navigate a world of everyday emotions. Her presence helped me open up to her and get the tools I needed at the time, which have helped me out tremendously. I’m glad I reached out to. her. I didn’t know what her coaching was about but in no time with her experience, knowledge and openness she made my sessions about growth, letting go and helped me deal with anxiety in a way that has stuck with me ever since. Thank you Nina!
— Pedro S
Nobody has been able to do for my family what Nina has done. I’ve been to thousands of therapists, rehab, you name it. She got us to listen and hear each other again. My dad has told me he loves me and is proud of me, words I never heard him say to me before. We are closer and doing better than ever.
— RC
Family Intervention Client
New Orleans, LA
Working with Nina is a powerful, delightful and refreshing experience that creates a safe space for breakthroughs and insights. She’s highly trained and experienced but also just a natural at listening, holding space and asking powerful questions. I highly recommend Nina as a resource for reaching your next level of happiness and potential!
— Rachel E
Great conversation and vibe. Very professional, understanding and logical. Highly recommend.
— Gabriel A
Nina, provided an extremely comfortable and open environment that allowed me to be vulnerable and honest about some of my problems. In addition, she provided actionable items that I could start working on after the first session!
—Brenton D
I attended one of Nina’s wonderful Byron Katie workshops and received an unanticipated gift: a reconnection with my brother who has always seemed very distant and removed from me. In less than 15 minutes of doing the work with Nina , I discovered that the only barrier to a deeper connection with my brother was the story I had created in my mind about him. As soon as I changed my story I was able to reach out to my brother who seemed genuinely grateful and excited, and it has sparked the beginning of a new, unbounded relationship with him. Thank you, Nina!
— Christiana D
Nina is very personable and easy to talk to. Conversation flowed smoothly. Nina was able to offer me great insight.
— Crystal S
I owe it to Nina! She got me to ride!!!
I consider myself fit as I teach both Barre and Yoga classes for almost 17 years. However, let me tell you that Nina inspired me BIG time to start biking outdoors again as I used to ride in NYC back in 1991 until my awesome Trek bike got stolen. In the Spring , Nina said: “Hey Kika, let’s go on this magical bike ride today”. At first I was resistant as I have been dealing with Lyme Disease and my cardio has gone out the window since 2010 and not to mention a relationship break up created this low energy vortex for me but she would never give up and mention it throughout time and then one day I thought ok…Nina + magical= Ninagical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant combo!!!!! Guess what … I have more energy than ever and my heart has been healing due to being outdoors in the sunshine, pumping awesome oxygen throughout my body and the fantastic uplifting wooooooo hooooooooo energy that Nina brings to the table has been so freaking awesomely therapeutic that it is with the utmost gratitude that I thank her for the brilliant ride (no pun intended)!!!!!!!! Not to mention I shed another 10 pounds. I am getting properly fitted for a new bike as I got hooked again:)))
THANK YOU Nina for shedding light on the path when it’s been a bit bumpy. I love you and because of your lead, I am out of the low vibe and RIDING the high and plan to stay there for the remaining years of my life! WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Get out and move!
Move the energy… super healing:)))
Blessings baby!
— Francesca “Kika” Sales